7 Common Challenges Faced by Courier Service Providers

Courier service providers are changing how goods reach customers. With the rise in the need for instant satisfaction, courier service providers have come up with ways of making last-mile delivery simpler. On the other hand, the current demand for efficient and quicker local deliveries gives rise to several challenges for courier service providers. In this article, we are going to look at seven common challenges faced by courier companies as well as some solutions to each problem.

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Regular updates to consumers

The Benchmark Survey Report indicates that around 51% of customers require being updated on the state of their delivery. It makes them feel like to be in control over the package since they are shown real-time updates. Constant updates increase customer loyalty since it guarantees parcel delivery.

Local delivery providers have to integrate last-mile tracking software for their packages. This enables the consumers to access the required information on their delivery. It also predicts the time and location of the delivery.

Strong competition in the industry

The courier industry brings to mind large companies like FedEx, Royal Mail, and DHL among others. The presence of many players increases competition. Courier companies find it hard to compete with big companies that have a massive capital base and advanced technology.

However, a solution exists that can keep a local business operating in a competitive market. The secret is delivering personalized and specialized services to your clients. Courier services should focus on generating special services that are different from the competition.

Overworking of staff

Very few courier companies use the latest technology for improving efficiency. Most companies rely on manual processes that lead to overworking of the employees. It is also difficult to balance the duties and responsibilities among the workers to ensure that each worker has an equal workload.

The good news is that this problem can be averted via automating processes. You can use advanced online dispatch software to ease the work via optimizing routes. The faster the delivery the lesser the employee work.

Package delivery in perfect condition

The customers always expect their package to be delivered in perfect condition. Achieving this is difficult due to the increasing workload. Brand loyalty is tarnished when a consumer’s package gets damaged. Investing in suitable packaging is important for courier companies. Packaging items safely make sure that they arrive at their destination in their original condition to prevent damaging your company’s reputation.

Constantly changing market demands

Consumers are adapting to the fact that things are now delivered to their doorstep. The market keeps changing since the modern customer is indecisive. Local courier companies are finding it hard to deliver the exact needs of customers since it needs extra effort.

To keep up with these market demands the company needs to understand the customers better. They need to conduct customer research to make informed decisions. Customers expect a courier delivery company that is available, accountable, and proactive. In order to achieve this courier companies take help of efficient delivery management software to comply with the perfect delivery each time.

 Vehicle breakdown

Having a flat tire is the worst experience, especially on a busy road. To avoid this situation a courier service requires a reliable vehicle. Taking care of a vehicle even if it is new helps avert these avoidable circumstances.

To solve this problem, make regular inspections such as including it in a preventive maintenance schedule. Drivers can be tasked with the responsibility of checking the tire pressure monthly, rotating them after 5000 miles or more, and having a spare tire that is well inspected.

High cost of delivery

Courier services like assigning orders, hiring drivers, and choosing the correct delivery truck require a big team of professionals. It also takes time and effort to carry out particular operations. Price control for all these activities is themain concern. Using logistics optimization software enablescompanies to track down the operational costs, calculate the average expense for every service and properly plan the budget for expenditure.

In summary, adopting advanced dispatch software will help solve all the challenges discussed. Courier delivery businesses can assure safe and faster delivery at a minimal cost. It also helps small middle enterprises to stay afloat in the competitive courier delivery sector by minimizing operational costs.

The Benefits of Using Delivery Zones with E-Commerce

As we embrace modernity, several choices and changes continue to uprise as well. Who would have thought that apart from the traditional ways of having your hand in your packages, such as pick-up and drop-off, other easier ways such as eCommerce Delivery would have been possible? Yes, you heard it right. Also, have you ever wondered how your packages arrive at your location? It’s because of that E-Commerce Delivery! For an in-depth understanding, E-Commerce Delivery uses Delivery Zones to provide the clients with the most efficient way of delivery possible which can be easily achieved by use of efficient delivery management software for creating delivery zones in the system. Geographic areas, also known as Delivery Zones, are where certain online shops and stores deliver the packages meant to ship to their clients. Each zone is located a specific number of miles from your starting point. The zone’s distance from the origin is proportional to its elevation where a set of ZIP codes is present for each zone. Sounds fascinating, right? This may somewhat allow us to think about how technology and modernity provide us with the most surprising things every time.

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Thus, having the use of Delivery Zones with E-Commerce also provides both the clients and sellers with various astonishing features that perfectly exhibits their key benefits. Not only does this allows us to calculate the cost beforehand, but also enables delivery services to charge the appropriate sum for each product they deliver. In addition, you may specify several delivery locations for your stores and set various fees for each area, thanks to the new eCommerce Delivery zones feature. For instance, you could charge for shipping to locations outside of a store’s immediate vicinity. Additionally, you can limit shipping within the vicinity of the store. Delivery zones can also be used to set various locations’ tax rates. Other than that, you can also add multiple shipping zones and allocate particular delivery methods for each zone, like if you want to offer in-store pickup, flat rate shipping, and free shipping for your local delivery zone.

With these benefits, we can say that having the use of Delivery Zones with E-Commerce is a practical, efficient, and adequate choice for businesses. It is also undeniable how this delivery method provides flexibility and inclusivity. Hence, it also allows sellers to cater a variety of choices to their customers that allows them to select the one that best meets their needs, which helps the sellers and their shops to produce a good brand image. In conclusion, the sellers can most effectively meet their customers’ expectations by using any E-Commerce Delivery Management Solution for Delivery Zones in this way seller being able to save most of their money, time, and effort on E-Commerce. With the ideal delivery of every E-Commerce business which are speed, convenience, and value, having delivery services dedicated for E-Commerce businesses with the usage of Delivery Zones is really a life-changer. Hence, it is important to understand that the continuous growth of the E-Commerce market is also an indication that the expectations of the customers have also increased. With that, providing the­ best delivery service possible to your customers is absolutely a must. 

The Essential need for Delivery Management Systems in Online Grocery Businesses


This topic will cover the importance of having delivery management systems in the online grocery business. The online grocery delivery management system produces a profile in one location to cater to the needs of the customer. Many online grocery businesses cater different delivery software for the customers to be aware of the availability of the product and items that are being offered. Also to engage by delivering the products without the need to go to the actual grocery stores. We are going to go further later on some aspects of delivery management systems.

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Online grocery businesses continue to emerge especially with the ongoing pandemic situation that is happening. E-commerce such as online grocery businesses continues to promote services with the help of having a parcel delivery management system. This is essential as it brings a beneficial impact to both the customer and the owner. The following is the list of features of having  delivery management systems:

– Order fulfillment is managed through the help of integrating with different e-commerce platforms.

– Establish learnings of machine A-I based capabilities and order to implement good delivery services. It helps also to predict delivery status.

– Sending orders to the appropriate driver or ships

– Set up proper navigation enhancement and planning

– Couriers and administrative support team members following a period of notifications and alerts.

Key Benefits:

Money and Effort Saving

The systems save time and money because they include multi-model features such as route planning. On-demand deliveries can benefit from optimization. Route optimization is an important aspect of delivery operations because it entails calculating the best routes for delivery drivers, allocating the best driver or distributor for quality and satisfaction, and some other aspects such as faster delivery and also managing the delivery capacity. 

Collaboration with third parties:

The online dispatch software for deliveries also includes inventory management systems and third-party logistics. Product availability and financing should be considered by the grocery businesses to know the product condition and accessibility. As a result, the company provides improved customer service and increased operational efficiencies.

Payment Service Provider

This application will provide users with an easy way to pay. It accepts different payment methods, such as online and offline payments. You can either pay with debit or credit cards, online money transfer apps, or cash-on-delivery options.


Therefore online grocery businesses need delivery management systems to promote their products in a more effective and accessible way. In such a way that it can attain an increased customer reach for higher sales and revenue for the business. Also having a proper delivery management system can be beneficial for both the owner and the customer. For the owner, it can establish a wide range of the grocery’s brand reach and can ensure good quality service for customer satisfaction. Easy accessible for managing the deliveries of the products or items. For the customers, it offers effective order management. Money and time-friendly deliveries, provide route optimization and can ensure real-time tracking of the item. 

Track Your Cargo Using Courier Management Software

The Use of Delivery Dispatch software for small and medium businesses had become widespread nowadays. This utilizes the cost of deliveries of merchandises thereby preserving the company’s revenue which can be used for other purposes. Merchandising enterprises also rely to such system for the purpose of efficiency and utilization of time and task inside the organization. But the most important thing why they use Courier Tracking Software is because of its unique feature — giving real time location of the cargo to users. Here’s how.

Cargo ID. Each Cargo is being identified by the company using a certain ID. Through this, companies will be able to know the cargo deliverer and the schedule of departure.

Automated System. Once the cargo starts moving, freighting companies will now rely on courier software to access its location and condition. Because courier software are automated, it will be easy for them to track goods and inform the recipient about the delivery’s whereabouts.

The use of GPS. Global Positioning System is also being utilized by Courier tracking software. Almost every smart phone and computers around the world uses such feature. Through this, they can locate both international and local deliveries and its current location. For local and international deliveries, software will give an update of the cargo’s location every hour to assure that the goods are still being shipped.

Notifications. Users don’t even have to periodically ask for updates as some Courier tracking software were built to give updates to both customers and senders.

Receiving. It is also important, on the perspective of the enterprise, to know whether or not the goods were properly received by the customer as it is the most critical phase when delivering a cargo. Courier systems also include a feedback feature that will ask customers questions such as the following:

  • Status of the cargo the moment it has arrived;
  • Date of arrival; and
  • Customer Recommendation

With this, businesses will be able to improve their services and build healthy reputation with their customers.

Tracking the location of a cargo is important as it could help both the business and the customer. Businesses will be able to know the feedback of the customer as the goods are delivered while the latter will be able to expect for possible delivery time. Through the use of Courier Tracking Software, both parties are also assured that the goods will be delivered safely and without delay.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Sending Parcels Overseas

Here’s a basic guideline in life that you should also apply in sending parcels – avoid taking things for granted. The rules and costs of shipping locally and internationally differ. Furthermore, what may be accepted in one country may be banned in another. Before making your products available for international shipment, ensure that other countries allow such goods. To spare you from headaches, high costs and failed delivery of your parcels, below are some do’s and don’ts of sending parcels overseas.


The first thing you need to do is to know which products are allowed and prohibited to other countries. To do this, go to the postal or customs website of each country. This tends to be time-consuming, but doing so helps you specify which countries you can serve. Once you are done listing down, you can research on the shipping requirements and steps for different countries.

The next step is to prepare the necessary documents. You can avail the needed forms from your local customs bureau. When filling out papers, stay truthful all the times. If something is unclear, consult your customs officer. Make sure all information are correct, especially the recipient’s name and address. For addresses, take note of the proper formatting for each country. It is also advisable to provide a return address every time you send overseas.

When looking for an international courier, limit your options to service providers who offer online tracking. Online courier software makes way for you to track your parcels. With courier company software, you can even receive real-time notifications right after receiving your products.

Get to know local holidays as well. Holidays in other countries can affect the delivery period of your parcels. Always inform your customers that the delivery of their purchases may take some time due to special occasions in their respective countries. Knowing the holidays can also help you plan possible promotional strategies to countries where many of your customers are based.


Avoid sending liquid products and perishable goods abroad. Perishables, such as fruits and vegetables, may spoil while still on the road. Shipping liquid products require special permits and stringent product inspection. Unless you are dealing directly with a local retailer, disregard sending liquid products overseas.

If one country prohibits products like yours, don’t attempt to send them by illegal means. Breaking the rules may not only cost you additional fees. The concerned country may even file a case against you.

Keep your Deliveries Safe and Sound

A courier’s job isn’t just to send packages from one point to another. They have to make sure it is received safely and securely, with everything in the same condition that they were sent. This is not always easy, since some items are fragile. Breaking an item for delivery also breaks the reputation of a courier company.

The real secret to keeping deliveries safe lies in the way they are handled en route. There are several things that one has to carefully consider:

Packaging – The items have to be kept in sturdy containers to protect them without being too heavy. This prevents the deliveries from getting squashed or disfigured while in transit. This is especially important for items that get delivered over long distances, since they get transferred a lot.

In the same vein, perishable goods have to be protected against the rigors of the travel. Keep them cool so that they don’t go bad while en route.

In vehicles – While on the road, the items are most vulnerable. When the vehicle starts, stops and turns, the force can cause damage. This is unless the items are stacked correctly.

The courier has to ensure that the products are packed properly and snugly. This makes sure they don’t fall on top of each other while driving. This can be a little tricky since you have to know what each package is. Lighter items have to be set against heavier ones so they don’t roll over. At the same time, the heavier items should stay below lighter items so the latter do not get crushed.

Another thing to consider is the route the courier takes to deliver the items. This is not just to ensure that they take the fastest and most efficient way, but also the safest one. The best courier software UK can show different routes that courier drivers can take, allowing them to choose the most preferable path.

Organization – Taking care of the items en route will be useless unless the courier makes sure they still arrive — and on time. General delivery services regularly lose items, which is a major problem. Courier dispatch software is a necessity in preventing organizational problems. Such software makes sure that everything is in one place — customer records, dispatch details, routes, and more. This can help by letting the couriers access information in a single click.

Dispatch software has another purpose — informing the customers where their packages are. This helps build confidence with the courier service by providing transparency. Because everything is in just one place, the software can compute the estimated arrival time based on the progress of the delivery.

A courier service is one driven by up-to-the minute planning and careful handling, combined with strict organization and speedy transits. Because of these requirements, good software should be at the heart of every courier system. This does not only help the courier’s business on the way to success, it also gives customers the peace of mind they deserve.

What to Consider When Shopping for Courier Dispatch Software

Different software and computer programs can help you streamline your business operations. One of these is courier management software. Aside from reduction of operational costs, such software can also further improve customer satisfaction. Before you go investing some capital on a random courier software provider, make sure you do some background check first. You need to consider the following factors when shopping for courier software to ensure that your money will not go to waste.


The number one aspect you should look into is the usefulness of the courier management software, which can be determined by the tools and features it comes with. First, determine the kinds of courier-related tasks that you want your software to perform. For instance, you include documentation of order placement, real-time notification of delivery status, and consolidation of information. Your chosen software should be able to provide these. Take into consideration other functions that the software can offer as well. These may include bar code scanning, as well as cash and credit payment processing.


No matter how chic and useful the software is, if it doesn’t work with your current hardware, it will be worth nothing. You shouldn’t pay for changing your hardware; that’s not a problem. Remember, using courier software should be a solution. If it further created a problem like compatibility issue, you might as well look for other options. There are plenty of software out there that can cater to different hardware and operating systems.

User-Friendly Interface

Your courier software should be easy to use, whether on smartphones, tablets, or computers. Keep in mind that not all of your customers are as tech-savvy as everyone else. Aside from your customers, your dispatchers and drivers should be able to operate the software easily as well.


Your courier dispatch software should be tailor-made to the size and needs of your business. It should allow you to limit the kind of information that can be accessed. At the same time, it should also help you process the information you want to be featured in your business reports. These reports may include information on the payment options preferred by your customers and the like.


While many courier dispatch software programs promise various advantages, not all of them have reasonable prices. This kind of software is made to reduce costs. Investing in expensive software is not cost-effective.

Thankfully, there is InstaDispatch and its courier dispatch system. Having courier software for your small enterprise is no longer an expensive and complex investment.


Changing the game when it comes to courier tracking

Back in the old days, parcels and packages would typically take days—or even weeks—just to reach their intended destination. However, advancements in transportation and logistics has made the wait time much shorter. Next-day package deliveries to any part of the world is now a reality!

Speed is the name of the game for courier companies. Integral to this is the need to keep customers in the loop when it comes to deliveries. However, given that no courier business is perfect—there is still the risk of misplaced packages, undelivered parcels, and deliveries to the wrong address.

Automating the Dispatch System

This is where a courier dispatch software can come in handy. A courier management software can help mitigate any risks. Simply put, it helps to  minimize the likelihood of possible errors by automating the tracking process for packages.

Many freight delivery companies have benefited from a reliable courier management software. This software shows the status of a certain package in real time, including the steps it has passed through. Regardless if the software is acccessed from a personal computer or mobile computing device, it will display if the package has landed at the dispatching warehouse or has reached the intended recipient. But how exactly does a courier dispatch software work?

How Does It Work?

Whenever a customer sends a parcel for delivery to a certain address, he or she is assigned a unique alpha-numeric combination and barcode. This is also affixed to the package to be delivered, and is automatically encoded in the database upon. The unique barcode is scanned at every step of the way, indicated in the courier management software’s database—from its arrival to the local dispatching warehouse, up to the time it lands on the recipient’s address.

Meanwhile, the said customer who sent the package can simply visit an online tracking portal and type in the alpha-numeric combination given to him or her. After typing, the screen will display every step the package has gone through after it has been left at the courier outlet. It even comes with a timestamp for each step undertaken.

Gone are the days when staff members would browse through stacks of paper forms and call their warehouses in various locations—just to determine where a package is. This takes up a lot of time and has drawn the ire of a customer or two. From scheduling to package tracking, companies find a fully automated courier dispatching software to be a big help in their business.