How Does Location Intelligence Transform Last-Mile Delivery?

Last-mile delivery is highly critical to business worldwide and encompasses the final steps of the delivery process. Market forecasts now illustrate that the global last-mile delivery market is expected to cross $80 billion by 2030.

However, prior to investing in last-mile delivery solutions, businesses must understand how location intelligence is transforming delivery options.

Location Intelligence and Last Mile Logistics

Location intelligence refers to the insight derived from the collection and analysis of geographical data for business use. These insights often include details pertaining to business and customer assets and customer locations.

The main purpose of using location intelligence is to gain a geographical understanding of the consumers and competitor landscape. These understandings are then used for strategic decision-making, which is centered around customer needs.

Last-mile delivery is the most critical part of the delivery process that helps businesses ensure a seamless experience for the customer. It encompasses the transportation of an order from the transportation hub to the delivery point.

The Last-Mile Delivery Process

Last-mile logistics help businesses deliver orders with greater efficiency and allows them to keep up with increasing demands. The last-mile delivery process can be divided into five steps that include:

  1. The orders are first entered into a centralized system.
  2. Afterward, they are delivered to the transportation hub.
  3. At the transportation hub, orders are allocated to drivers.
  4. Prior to the delivery, the orders are scanned and then loaded into delivery vehicles.
  5. At this stage, the orders are delivered to the end customer.

Location Intelligence and Last-Mile Delivery Management System

Using location-based intelligence for last-mile delivery is a feasible approach for businesses that want to improve their delivery experience. Businesses often face last-mile delivery challenges such as unoptimized and untimely delivery. However, using location intelligence for logistics can help businesses improve their delivery process. Some of the many ways it can help include:

On-Time Delivery

Location intelligence uses real-time tracking, which can help drivers and fleet managers streamline their delivery operations. This allows them to deliver orders to customers on time and improves the delivery experience.

Route Optimization

Organizations can use location intelligence to determine the route for delivery.  Our route planning and optimization software is equipped with great features, such as tracking and arrival alerts, that help businesses improve their delivery experience. 

Driver Safety

Businesses can also use location intelligence to determine routes that are safe from all hazards allowing them to ensure the safety of their drivers. In addition, it can also be used to identify aggressive driving.

Cost Reduction

Using location intelligence also allows businesses to ensure cost reduction. Fleet managers can determine feasible routes for delivery, meaning that vehicles will consume less fuel. This will allow them to reduce delivery costs.

Key Takeaways

Last-mile delivery is the most critical factor in a business’s delivery experience. Businesses looking to optimize their delivery operations must use location intelligence for last-mile logistics. It allows us to consider various factors, such as the geographical locations of customers and competitors.

This helps them determine and optimize routes and delivery efficiently. InstaDispatch allows you to improve your delivery management by providing advanced features such as invoice management, location tracking, and more.