How Courier Dispatch Software Improves Management of Shipping Delays

Courier Dispatch Software

Shopping convenience is the main reason behind shipping services. However, convenience turns into annoyance and financial losses when the much-needed shipments failed to arrive on time. Some shipping delays are justifiable, but many of them could be attributed to inefficiency. At this age, having courier dispatch software is beneficial in reducing your delays for the following reasons.

Route Planning

Route planning needs more than just knowing the roads leading to your customers’ homes. It requires taking into consideration holidays, road maintenance, accidents and other factors that make some routes a less practical option when speedy delivery is the goal. The software helps you plan routes more quickly compared to doing it manually.

Data Entry Corrections

Thanks to the software, it’s easier to spot mistakes regarding delivery information. You can contact your customers right away to rectify those errors before your drivers set off and take the packages to a wrong address.

The software also helps in streamlining delivery plans. It’s easier to consolidate shipments that are meant for customers in one area.

Real-Time Updates

The software usually comes with GPS tracking, meaning you can check your shipment location in real-time. Aside from your goods, you can also find out where your drivers are. By knowing their location, you can easily tell whether or not they are following the planned route. You can ensure that they are not resting elsewhere as well.

With this feature, your customers can also feel at ease when they know where their shipment is. Instead of calling you several times, they can simply refer to your website or app for an update.

Once the shipment is delivered, you can immediately get a notification as well. You don’t have to stress over it while working on other orders. Additionally, you can receive the notifications wherever you may be.

Secured Confirmations

With courier software, never worry about lost packages and lost confirmation slips again. When a customer complains about his missing shipment, you can use the software to know whether or not he has digitally signed the delivery confirmation. By taking advantage of this technology, you have another way of verifying information. This is especially helpful when customers and drivers make conflicting statements.

These days, businesses have to be efficient and transparent in their operations to attract and sustain customers. However, logistics is never easy, especially if you are doing it alone or with only a few staff members. But thanks to InstaDispatch, the tasks become more manageable.

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