What to Consider When Shopping for Courier Dispatch Software

Different software and computer programs can help you streamline your business operations. One of these is courier management software. Aside from reduction of operational costs, such software can also further improve customer satisfaction. Before you go investing some capital on a random courier software provider, make sure you do some background check first. You need to consider the following factors when shopping for courier software to ensure that your money will not go to waste.


The number one aspect you should look into is the usefulness of the courier management software, which can be determined by the tools and features it comes with. First, determine the kinds of courier-related tasks that you want your software to perform. For instance, you include documentation of order placement, real-time notification of delivery status, and consolidation of information. Your chosen software should be able to provide these. Take into consideration other functions that the software can offer as well. These may include bar code scanning, as well as cash and credit payment processing.


No matter how chic and useful the software is, if it doesn’t work with your current hardware, it will be worth nothing. You shouldn’t pay for changing your hardware; that’s not a problem. Remember, using courier software should be a solution. If it further created a problem like compatibility issue, you might as well look for other options. There are plenty of software out there that can cater to different hardware and operating systems.

User-Friendly Interface

Your courier software should be easy to use, whether on smartphones, tablets, or computers. Keep in mind that not all of your customers are as tech-savvy as everyone else. Aside from your customers, your dispatchers and drivers should be able to operate the software easily as well.


Your courier dispatch software should be tailor-made to the size and needs of your business. It should allow you to limit the kind of information that can be accessed. At the same time, it should also help you process the information you want to be featured in your business reports. These reports may include information on the payment options preferred by your customers and the like.


While many courier dispatch software programs promise various advantages, not all of them have reasonable prices. This kind of software is made to reduce costs. Investing in expensive software is not cost-effective.

Thankfully, there is InstaDispatch and its courier dispatch system. Having courier software for your small enterprise is no longer an expensive and complex investment.